Every student in St. Louis deserves an excellent teacher.
Teach St. Louis supports educators at every stage of their career.
At Teach St. Louis, we recruit, train, and support effective educators who are committed to the students and families in St. Louis public schools.
Through our innovative residency and certification programs, we commit to giving you the most effective pathway into a career in education. We also offer Master’s degree and certificate programs for teachers already in the classroom who are ready to improve their skills and impact. Explore our programs and opportunities to make a difference in our region.

We take a different approach to teacher education and development.
We believe that great teachers thrive in a joyful professional community that encourages critical feedback and reflection.
We offer participants the opportunity to work with a cohort of equally committed and talented peers who provide support and collaborative learning throughout your program. As a student with Teach St. Louis, you’ll receive targeted instructional coaching that focuses on your individual needs and classroom. Learn more about the Teach St. Louis Approach and what our programs can offer.

Join us as we expand opportunities for our students.
We seek diverse candidates who believe that all students are capable of achieving ambitious goals and outcomes.
Whether you are starting your journey in education or are interested in deepening your skills and practice, Teach St. Louis has a program for you. To learn more, connect with a recruiter on our team today!